




The Latest News on the Comfort Women Issues

Professor, Shanghai Teachers’ University  Su Zhiliang


    In December 2000, more than 60 “comfort women” survivors from around the world gathered in Tokyo for a people’s court trial of the Japanese government for implementing a policy of sex slaves.  The trial ended in Hague in December 2001.  The court recognized: “Based on Hague Treaty and Nuremburg Trial principles, Emperor Hirohito did not have the power to grant immunity; and during the long period of time while the Japanese military implemented the “comfort women” system, Emperor Hirohito never stopped it.  Therefore, Emperor Hirohito committed the crime against humanity.  Army is an instrument of the government - the Japanese Army used the comfort women system which forced women from various countries to be its sex slaves.  This caused humiliation and cruelty to women in the occupied territories and violated international laws of the time and hence, the government committed war crimes.”
    Ever since the Chinese comfort women survivors from Shanxi filed a lawsuit in Tokyo court in 1995, other survivors from Shanxi (the second and third group), Hainan, and Taiwan have also taken legal actions in Japan, demanding reparations from the Japanese government for the injuries they suffered.  But, these grassroots reparations suits mostly ended in the plaintiffs losing.  The excuses of the Japanese courts were statue of limitation, “problem of exclusion”, individual not being an entity under international laws and “a nation does not answer for crime.”
    The living conditions of the “comfort women” survivors are extremely wretched; disgrace, poor health, old age, and lack of cares from younger generation nearly made them lose the will to live.  The Chinese Comfort Women Research Center in Shanghai Teachers’ University, with the generous support from the Global Alliance for Preserving the History of WWII in Asia, has been able to continuously subsidize the survivors for the last four years.  Though the monthly support of 100 RMB is meager, but it does show the kindness and compassion from their countrymen.   
    In recent years, there were breakthroughs on issues such as statue of limitation, “a nation does not answer for crime”, etc, in Japanese court decisions.  We welcome these progresses and would like to ask that the Japanese courts acknowledge human rights and justice, the war responsibility of the Japanese government, and promptly make just and responsible rulings.  As indicated in “the rulings by the Hague International Peoples Courts on the Japanese sex slaves system): “admitting war crimes, establishing a sufficient and open historical record in order that this type of crimes will never be repeated in next generation is the duty of the Japanese government.  The Japanese government has not exerted enough effort in educating its people and its next generation.  Japanese government has the responsibility to take a strong position to negotiate with the survivors, and restore their dignities.  Moreover, Japanese government needs to compensate “all assessable economic losses.”   In international laws, compenations must be paid by the government and must pay reparations for material losses, lost opportunities, and the mental anguish sustained by the victims, their families and relatives; and the reparations must be in full.” 
    Conducting investigation is urgently needed.  In November 2003, The Chinese Comfort Women Research Center invited a Korean “comfort women” survivor, who was rescued in Yunnan in 1944 and dubbed the “pregnant comfort woman,” to form a three-nation (China, Korea and Japan) joint investigation group.  The investigation identified a certain address in Nanjing as the place where the Korean survivor suffered her nightmarish past.  This is one of the very few successful cases of multi-national investigation in the sixty years after WWII; and the city government of Nanjing has promised to preserve the building identified here.  My personal opinion is that the building in Nanjing or another one in Shanghai would be the best location for a Chinese “Comfort Women” Memorial.


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