留言人 逸梵 --2000年7月8日,10:07



Calling Out Loudly

From Yi Fan 10:07 July 8, 2000

Japan is always an invasive nation who wants to control the whole world, until today Japan is still talking loudly that the Nanjing Massacre is a invented story. From this we can learn its inclemency and meanness. At that time if Premier Zhou Enlai hadn’t given up seeking compensation from Japan, Japan’s economy would not be so flourishing at now days. China treated Japan with all kindness while Japan goes against the common sense rule, not to mention its repudiation of history. Moreover, there are a few stuporous Chinese people who admire Japan blindly look exactly like some contemporary betrayers. So I want to call out loudly here, Never forget that beneath the feet of all Chinese people is the earth which was soaked with full of blood of our countrymen killed by the Japanese intruders! Never forget that China’s prosperity depends on the hard working of every Chinese people.

(Trans. by Sheron)


留言人 Shen Yang --2000年7月8日,7:08

内容: 这个网站办得好!希望能给现在的青少年一些教育。不知道现在的”新新人类“还有多少了解仅仅60几年前中华民族的苦难历史?希望有英文及日文版的,因为大部分西方人都不知道世界上还有比纳粹更凶残、更没有人性的东西,不知道中国人民曾经遭受到这样非人的摧残。

Well done

From Shen Yang 7:08, July 8,2000

This web site is excellent! Hope it will teach the young generation a lesson and I wonder how many “new mankind” know about the suffering history of Chinese people 60 years ago. I hope this web site can have English and Japanese versions since most westerners have no idea that there was someone even more crude and inhuman than Nazi and Chinese people was once wrecked inhumanly.

(Trans. by Sheron)

留言人 钱玮 --2000年7月7日,22:08



From Qian Wei 22:08, July 7, 2000

I can hardly find a proper word to describe Japanese: beast? Animal? No! I think Japanese is not even deserved to be called “it”. I have been to Nanjing and visited the massacre museum. As soon as I entered the museum I felt I was shivering, it was like I was going to be apart from my most beloved people. When I went out I was still shivering all over but I clearly realized it was the excitement of preparing a battle and eliminating enemy. No Chinese should be reminded of the history for no one will ever forget it. Every our countryman shares a same idea: to get rid of this alien nation! We don’t need its land as well as its culture since this race has nothing good at all: obscene, mean, crude, insolent, coward and flattery. Japanese is absolutely an alien race in human society and it is not deserved to be treated like human beings! However this alien not only denies its crime but also interferes our society more and more severely. I feel sad about this and I think it is our human beings’ woe! I believe I cannot see the extinct of this alien but I will tell my descendents that there did exist such a nation which was pretended to be human beings. I firmly believe that one day this alien race will extince and that very day will become a festival of all human being!

(Trans. by Sheron)


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